What is the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel?

Do you want to help improve the IRS, make suggestions, or inquire about serving as an advocate on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel? Do you want to find out how you can benefit from them? If you are curious about what the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) is, this blog post is designed to give you the answers you’re seeking.TaxAdvocacy

Who Comprises TAP

The taxpayer advocacy panel is comprised of 75 volunteers from around the US. Each member of the panel, in some form or another, represents each state, including Washington DC and the US territory, Puerto Rico, as well as one member who lives abroad. The panel is designed to be socially diverse, representing numerous taxpayers from every economic class.

What TAP Does

As a federally funded organization, TAP serves as an advisory committee to the IRS. They listen to taxpayers who have concerns about IRS programs, products, and services, and they also provide recommendations to the IRS and the National Tax Payer Advocate. The panel serves as an outreach platform to the IRS to receive ideas from citizens. They also serve as committee representatives to IRS program owners.

What TAP Does Not Do

The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel does not provide service to taxpayers seeking tax relief from the IRS. They do not handle disputes, and are not equipped to resolve taxpayer issues. They only serve the IRS as an advisory group. Taxpayers who have individual problems with the IRS need to contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS).

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